
From the field...

For What It's Worth...

July 16th, 2006:
The weekend was hot… daaaaaamn hot. Reeeeeal hot. Like, Africa hot…

Glenn (father-in-law) and Chris (bass player extraordinaire) raced at Mid Ohio last weekend. It averaged around 90 degrees, but the pyrometer confirmed that ambient temps were closer to 100 and the asphalt was a scorching 130 degrees! Chris continued his contact free season with improving times through the weekend. Glenn learned a good bit about the track and finished mid-pack despite having to drive off-course to avoid a spin (and have the whole field pass him).

- Duane

June 25th, 2006:
Gina learns how to shift. Race weekend three update.

Gina learned how to drive a manual transmission on Saturday night. She’s a natural. It wasn’t any regular manual, either… it was my WRX. It’s clutch is tricky thanks to all-wheel drive and a fast-spooling turbo. I turned the boost down to ~10 psi initially, which made things a little easier. The next day, I needed Gina to drive the WRX home while I drove my race car. That’s right, she had driven a manual twice in her life (both times with me in the car) before driving it alone from Clarkston to Brighton… in traffic! I was incredibly impressed with her skillz!

This was the third race weekend of my rookie season at Waterford Hills. I’m still one of the back-markers in my group, but I’m getting smoother and faster. I learned a ton about my line this week. Glenn (father-in-law, spec racer extraordinaire) pointed out a dozen BIG places for me to get smoother, brake earlier, and get on the gas sooner. Chris (SkyTek guru) set me up with double the camber I had before in time for the last race of the weekend. More camber makes the car stick better in corners. It also help the car turn. Because of this, the car turned where it used to push… very different car feeling. I hit a lot of curbs (turning in early), but I plan on getting to the Friday practice before the next race weekend to figure out the car’s new handling. This weekend was fun. I felt more comfortable with the car’s handling and I think there’s tons of room for me to improve my line. Next race weekend should be a blast.

- Duane

June 21st, 2006:
Archived System Update

I’ve finally hooked up one of the cameras at our new house. It points our my office window on the second floor into the front yard. You can’t see much, but it’s a start.

- Duane

June 7th, 2006:
Race drama. WRX gets its summer shoes and more boost.

Last weekend was my seconds race at WHRRI. Saturday morning qualifying was still damp from the previous night’s rain, and a good bit of mud was on the track (where there was previously only dust). I managed to drop a wheel into a mud pit and spin in turn 6 (archer’s corner). Not a big deal.

Then, the race started. It looked like we would miss the rain. However, as the green flagged was waived (I assume… since I couldn’t see a thing), the sky opened. I fumbled for the wiper switch (which I’ve never used before) and punched the gas. Luckily, the wipers were on in time for turn one. One the fourth lap, I spun in turn 5 (big bend) and went into the tire wall. That sucked. The car was driveable, but the noises I heard during impact were a good indication of the hammer-and-board work to be done that evening.

A few laps later, I spun in the swamp turn (#8), but was able to collect things and keep going. Another few laps and the track seemed to dry a little. I pushed a little more, and spun in turn 8 again. This time, I got hung up on the tall “candycane” curbing on the inside of the turn. The rear of my car was hanging out into the track on a very blind corner. Since I was unable to back onto the track, I tried to pull forward out of the way. That worked, but I was now nose-down into a mud hole.

Once the race ended, they sent out a wrecker to pull me out of the hole. The muffler came out of the hangers and I had to hammer out some crunched body work, but once done, it was hard to tell that anything happened. Chris (car wizard and bass player extraordinaire) helped me adjust my toe-out and camber. A little soap and water, and I was ready for the next day.

During emergency practice, Chris showed me a new line through swamp as well as where I should be braking. During the first race, it helped, as I got down to 24.6 seconds. The feature race was a bit scary, on the second lap one of the guys I went to driver’s school with rolled his car in paddock turn and got stuck upside down on the wall. I was 2 cars behind him when it happened. He was o.k., but the car will need a lot of work to get back on the track. While the wreck was cleared off, we were pulled into pit lane. When we went back out, I was able to catch and pass a Spec Miata (rookie) and hold him off for several laps. Then something went wrong, my car started to push like a pig (understeer), and I lost all confidence in cornering. I later discovered that I broke the rear swaybar mount (pretty common). I’ve already ordered a more robust version of the part and hope to have everything set in time for the next race.

The weather is better, so it’s time to put my summer wheels and tires on my daily driver. It makes a huge difference in the looks and grip of the car. I also put my electronic boost controller back in. It’s nice to have real boost under 4,000 rpm again. Whoo-ahh!

- Duane

May 31st, 2006:
5 Years Ago…

5 years ago, Gina and I went on our first date. To be honest, neither of us thought that it would amount to much. I planned a simple dinner at Benihana because there would be other people around and something to occupy us if it didn’t work out. We barely touched our food and ended up going to 2 additional restaurants to keep talking. The next day we watched Titan A.E. together. A year after that first date (to the day), we were engaged. We were married in October the year after that and nothing has slowed since. Through complicated, busy, happy, and sad there’s nobody I would rather be with. Thanks, sweets.

- Duane
