
From the field...

For What It's Worth...

April 2nd, 2008:
I like service.

I remember when I used to go to the local shoe store with my mom to get new shoes for school. The guy would come out, measure your feet with a weird little metal slider thing, and viola! Shoes that fit would come out from behind a magic curtain. You don’t really get that level of service at most stores any more. If you’re lucky, a “sales associate” blurts out “Finding & everything o.k.? … Greaaaaat…” as they whisk by.

About a year ago, Gina convinced me to start shopping at Bachrach. The sales reps there are top notch. They know clothing, what they have in stock, and when the next line is coming in. If they’re out of your size, they’ll search other stores for it, order it and ship it to you. I even have a favorite salesman (Steve at the 12 Oaks Store in Novi, MI) and he knows what I like, where I work, and what I should/can wear to work. It’s hard to find this kind of service, respect, and expertise any more.

- Duane

March 12th, 2008:
Archived System Update

I’ve added the ability for multiple users to add news, updates, and even changelog entries (which you’re reading now). This means we should be seeing updates from Gina soon!

- Duane

March 12th, 2008:
2X Chromosomes Invade etc.

After nearly 5 years of marriage, I finally decided that this sausage party needed some balance. Since Duane only has one wife (that I know of) I guess it falls to me to do the dirty work. Expect me to pop in every now and again, and I’ll try not to gripe about laundry, cooking or being barefoot and pregnant — you know, that woman stuff. DO expect commentary on NIN, Formula 1 racing (which begins today, peeps!) and other awesomeness. WORD.

- Gina

March 9th, 2008:
Living room and dining room redecorated.

New curtains all around and an “accent wall” painted and decorated with Blik decals. That’s what I call redecorating! Everything has gone smoothly and quickly. Pictures: Curtains and Blik Accent Wall.

- Duane

March 3rd, 2008:
Archived System Update

Since I’m already a .Mac subscriber, I’ve switched my moblog to use that service. There are no limits apart from total storage… which at my current pace should not be maxed out for some time. The old moblog is still available on Flickr.

- Duane
